Are you a bibliophile, devouring books by the dozens, stacked high on your bedside table? I envy you. I’d love to cozy down each night with a good read, but alas, I don’t. Many barely get started then are tucked away, and soon forgotten. If a book doesn’t grab me quickly, it’s swiftly abandoned to […]

Do you have fond memories of 7th grade? Maybe you were one of the cool kids or you had at least one loyal friendship to see you through those tumultuous, often cringe-worthy days, so the memories evoked by The Wonder Years—or similar coming of age shows—were not too painful. But the scene pictured above hit […]

I was awakened very early one spring morning by what sounded like uproarious laughter. Wow, I thought, my husband must have read a hilarious text or email. But so early? I was slightly annoyed at the loud disturbance. This was my day to sleep in.

As his lumbering footsteps quickly ascended the stairs, my heart skipped a beat and my mind warned, “that’s not laughter, that’s sobbing!”